2014 Payrolls And Salaries For Every MLB Team

With opening day just days away, it's time to look at the payrolls and salary breakdowns for every MLB team. There are familiar faces near the top and bottom of the list, but a new franchise claims the spending crown for the first time in 15 years. The Associated Press has compiled these numbers based on publicly and privately reported salaries, prorated bonuses, and deferred money. Cash transactions and buyouts are reflected in the team payroll figures, so they will differ from the sum of players' salaries listed at bottom.. These numbers are not exact, because precise contracts are closely guarded secrets. But this is as good as we're going to get. For the first time since 1998, the Yankees no longer top baseball. That honor goes to the Dodgers in a runaway—with an estimated payroll of more than $235 million, the Dodgers project to spend more this year than any franchise ever as. In all, 16 teams are expected to break the $100-millon mark—also a record. The average MLB player's salary projects to somewhere just shy of $4 million. Bringing up the rear are the Astros, with a projected $44.5 million. But penury is not necessarily an indicator of failure. Four teams in this year's bottom six—Oakland, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Tampa Bay—made the playoffs last year. Only three teams in the top six did. Below are the team payroll figures. Individual player salaries can be found in the comments by following these links. AL East1. LA Dodgers$235,295,2192. NY Yankees$203,812,5063. Philadelphia Phillies$180,052,7234. Boston Red Sox$162,817,4115. Detroit Tigers$162,228,5276. LA Angels$155,692,0007. San Francisco Giants$154,185,8788. Texas Rangers$136,036,1729. Washington Nationals$134,704,43710. Toronto Blue Jays$132,628,70011. Arizona Diamondbacks$112,688,66612. Cincinnati Reds$112,390,77213. St. Louis Cardinals$111,020,36014. Atlanta Braves$110,897,34115. Baltimore Orioles$107,406,62316. Milwaukee Brewers$103,844,80617. Colorado Rockies$95,832,07118. Seattle Mariners$92,081,94319. Kansas City Royals$92,034,34520. Chicago White Sox$91,159,25421. San Diego Padres$90,094,19622. NY Mets$89,051,75823. Chicago Cubs$89,007,85724. Minnesota Twins$85,776,50025. Oakland A’s$83,401,40026. Cleveland Indians$82,534,80027. Pittsburgh Pirates$78,111,66728. Tampa Bay Rays$77,062,89129. Miami Marlins$47,565,40030. Houston Astros$44,544,174

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